Form Filler

Work Mechanism

There may be one or more forms in a web page. They are called web forms. There are one or more fields in a web form. Each field has a field name and a field value. The field name is defined in the source code of HTML page, which is invisible to the web surfers. The field value is to be entered by the web surfers. 

The form filler in $ProductName use data entries in form data files for automatic form filling. It works by looking up matching field names in the form data file. If a matching field is found, that field will be filled with the corresponding value stored in the form data file. The form data file may be saved from existing forms in a web page that's already filled. You can also create or edit a form data file by inputting the data entries manually.

Form Data File

Since there are no uniform regulations about field names, the same value may appear in fields of different names. For example, you may have input your email in fields with the name of 'email', 'mail', or 'contact'.  In a form data file, you are allowed to map multiple names to a single value. In general, a form data file consists of lines of data entries. A data entry represents a map of one or more names to a single value. It should observe the following format,


An example is,


If the value contains multiple lines like that in a text area, it should observe the following format,

value line1
value line2

An example is

address,addr,post address,billing address=<Text Area>
114 Lawn Terrace Apt 2B
Mamaroneck, NY 10543, USA

If any of the names matches the name of a given field, the form filler will use the corresponding value to fill in that field.

Menu Functions

Form List...

Display the list of forms. All the forms are stored under the "forms" sub-directory of the installation directory. Each form is stored in a form data file (*.fmd). You can select one or more forms in the form list dialog. The data entries contained in the selected forms will be used for automatic form filling. Select <Edit> button to edit the current form data file.

Fill Active Form

Automatically fill active form (the form in which the caret is located) using the selected form data files. If the caret is not in any form, the first form in the web page will be automatically filled.

Fill All Form

Automatically fill all the forms in the whole web page.

Save Active Form

Save the data contained in the active form. If the caret is not in any form, the data in the first form is saved. If you save to an existing form date file, you will be prompted to overwrite or merge with the existing form data file. You might like to save similar data into the same form data file.

Save All Forms

Save the data contained in all the forms in the current web page.

Enable Auto Fill

When this option is on, $ProductName will automatically fill all the forms in a web page when it is completely downloaded.